Neutron Transport and Advanced Nuclear Energy System Simulation Laboratory
Neutron Transport and Advanced Nuclear Energy System Simulation Laboratory
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Neutron Transport and Advanced Nuclear Energy System Simulation Laboratory

Update time: 2014-06-30



    Based on multi-physical coupling simulation and advanced information technologies, neutron transport and advanced nuclear energy system simulation laboratory, which is the main base for the researches in nuclear safety and nuclear emergency, can realize the nuclear system integrated simulation for full scope safety performance and nuclear emergency decision in typical operation and accident conditions.
    The laboratory has systematic functions, such as unified modeling, radiation distribution calculation, nuclear accident transient evolution simulation, radionuclide diffusion simulation and consequence assessment, social risk assessment, and nuclear emergency decision. It’s equipped with featured facilities, including digital reactor for nuclear reactor design and optimization, virtual nuclear power plant for intelligent nuclear emergency, and accurate radiotherapy system with multi-mode navigation. It has been successfully applied to the comprehensive safety design and assessment for China Lead-based Reactor (CLEAR) and the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) project.

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Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology, CAS    Address: Shushanhu Road 350, Hefei, Anhui, 230031, China

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